Hands-On Science
Hands-On Science

What if all you needed for science was one box that not only included a textbook and logbook, but all the projects, experiments, and resources your child needs to learn and have fun at the same time? That’s exactly what Exploration Education is. We focus on project based learning that makes it enjoyable for students to learn and easy for the parent or teacher to implement.
Year Long Science
Year long physical science courses designed specifically for homeschoolers, co-ops, and schools

Log In
Log in on any device to read the interactive online lessons.

All materials included. No subscription needed.

Use each project to experiment after each lesson.

What people are saying...

What people are saying...

STEAM kits are designed to teach kids the principles of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math through online lessons and hands on projects.

Exploration Education has been helping kids learn science for over 20 years. It all started with a dream from a school teacher to make learning science easier for parents and more enjoyable for students!