There is no specific expiration date. If you want to use the course now, and with another student in three years — no problem.
You will receive everything at once including all the project materials, books. teacher’s manual and online access. This is not a subscription.
Homeschoolers love our curriculum, and so do Co-ops and schools. Co-ops use our programs with great success each year. They range in size from five students to thirty. Our courses are easily implemented and are able to seamlessly flow into a group or co-op setting.
For more information on using Exploration Education in a school or Co-op setting, please click Here
Yes. Our courses correlate with all of the National Science Standards for the grades listed. For more information please click here.
Yes this is a full year of science.
- The Elementary course has one lesson/week for 36 weeks.
- The Standard Physical Science has three lessons/week for 36 weeks.
- The Advanced Physical Science has five lessons/week for 36 weeks.
For the Standard and Advanced courses, each lesson is about 45 to 50 minutes long.
The Elementary lessons are 35 to 40 minutes long.
You sure can. Here are the specifics:
- Length of course: 36 weeks/one school year — five lessons each week — 50 minutes/lesson
- Hours: 150 Instructional hours — 40 of which are lab hours
- Prerequisites: None
- Target grades: 7th – 10th
- Credit: Full year credit (if using for high school)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This general physical science course uses a hands-on approach allowing students to explore the foundational principles of physical science. Using the text and lab activities, students study forces, machines, motion, energy, electricity, magnetism, sound, light, density and buoyancy. Students will also study general chemistry concepts including the structure of matter, the periodic table, chemical bonds and reactions, mixtures and compounds and the chemistry of food and living systems. In addition, students will learn the fundamental physics concepts of the earth and solar system, thermodynamics, and fluid dynamics. Throughout this course, students discover the relationship between science and daily life. The students will gain a solid understanding of the scientific method and learn to write thorough and accurate lab write-ups.
Yes. The Elementary course parallels the older courses so the younger student will be learning similar topics (of course fewer and simplified) as the older students.
For an in depth list, please click one of the following links to view the Table of Contents for the course you are interested in.
The Standard version has 36 chapters, 108 lessons, 108 experiments and 7 projects
The Advanced version: has 36 chapters, 180 lessons, 144 experiments and 10 projects
The Advanced version builds on the foundation of the Standard version, expanding it by adding 72 lessons and 3 additional projects.
You can purchase the advanced version for the 8th grader, and either a standard version logbook (they would share the materials) or a complete standard course. (which includes the logbook) for the 5th grader. Each week both students will do the first three lessons of the chapter together, and then your 8th grader will complete the additional two lessons for that week.
Yes. Although our curriculum is both appealing and challenging for the academic student, each lesson is presented in such a clear and concise manner, that any student will find they can enjoy and succeed in science.
We have had many Dyslexic and Autistic children use our courses with great success!
Every lesson is followed by an experiment that typically uses a student-built project. For example, in the Standard version, they will build an electric race car in chapter one, and then they will use that car in most of the experiments in that section. They will use the car to experiment with topics such as inertia, velocity, centripetal force, pulleys, pulley ratios, etc.